Putting your Child on the Payroll

If you have your own business, putting your child on the payroll may be a good idea.

The amount you pay your child is a tax deductible expense for your business thus lowering the taxable income of your business. Plus, the income is tax free to your child as long as it stays under the standard deduction amount. That amount is $15,000 in 2025. Depending on which tax bracket you fall into, if you pay your child $15,000 you could save over $5,000 in taxes. Your child can then put that money into savings or a 529 plan to pay for college. So, not only are you lowering your taxable income and thus your tax liability, you are also helping your child do things like avoid student loan debt or start their savings for their long term investment goals. Getting ahead young is key to achieving financial goals and when you can help your child in this way while also lowering your tax liability, that is a WIN WIN!

So what types of jobs can my child do? This is where you want to make sure you are following labor laws and paying your child a reasonable rate. And of course, have plenty of documentation to substantiate the work your child did. If you were to be audited and you don’t have proof as to the work your child did, then the IRS will disallow the deduction. The types of jobs that are good to have your child do include things like cleaning the office, filing, basic paperwork, and computer entry. Teens can also be quite helpful assisting your business with tech and social media. You can’t have your minor child doing something dangerous such as operating heavy machinery. You also don’t want to pay your child an excessive rate for the work they are doing such as $50 an hour for filing paperwork.

There isn’t a minimum age requirement for putting your child on the payroll but you want to make sure the job is appropriate for their age. If you are a photographer then you could justify using your 3 year old as a model for your sample portfolio. However, if you own a plumbing business then a position for a 3 year old would be difficult to justify. Bottom line is ask yourself would the average person think this is a reasonable job for a child their age and is the pay reasonable for the work being performed?

You may be asking but what about payroll taxes? Well, that depends on what type of entity structure your business is. If your business is a sole proprietorship, LLC, or partnership then you generally (there are some rules to follow) don’t have to worry about payroll taxes (Social Security and Medicare taxes or FICA) if the child is under 18. However, depending on what state you are in, you may need to include your child on your workers comp policy.

If you have an S or C Corporation then the withholding piece isn’t quite as easy but there is still a way you can do this! If your structure is an S or C corporation then you would have to do the FICA (payroll tax) piece. You would process your child’s payroll as you would other employees with withholdings and payroll taxes.

Whatever your structure, you want to do withholding on your child’s pay when you process their payroll. As long as their pay doesn’t go over the standard deduction amount ($15,000 for 2025) they will get a refund back for all withholdings. By filing a W2 for your child they will also be able to contribute to a Roth IRA. If you are already running a payroll, it will be simple to add your child. Note that if you choose to report your child via 1099, they will be subject to self-employment tax so the W2 is the better way to go in almost all situations, especially when the child is under 18.

For example, a 16 year old is put on the payroll of his mom’s business. He does mostly computer work like website editing and creating graphics for social media. It is a reasonable role for his age and just needs documentation (like hours worked and work completed) to substantiate the work he does. He is legitimately doing work that the business owner (aka mom) would have to pay someone else to assist her with so it is a WIN WIN. Mom and son are able to work together, mom gets a tax deductible expense for her business, and her son receives income that he uses to put gas in his car while also starting to save and invest for his future!

A job in high school can be a great experience for kids! They can learn responsibility, expose themselves to new things, and earn some money in the process. The problem is, scheduling can be hard especially if your child plays sports. When you are able to put your child to work in your own business, you have the ability to schedule their work in a way that still allows them to prioritize school and sports. Maybe your child only works in the summer for your business.

Even if your business is a side hustle, consider hiring your child if there is work they can do for you. They can learn so much if you are in the start up phase and they help you grow. It just may spark their own entrepreneurial spirit. In an age where teens are glued to their smart phones, exposing them to other avenues of life can give them a different perspective on their own life and what they want to do with it. The world is a very different place than it was 30 years ago. Giving your child learning experiences can help them gain confidence.

NOTE: This information is for federal tax purposes. States will vary. Check with your tax advisor to see what your potential savings could be!

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